Coffee Around the World – A Cultural Exploration of Different Coffee Traditions

Coffee Around the World – A Cultural Exploration of Different Coffee Traditions

Coffee is a beloved beverage that has been enjoyed all around the world for centuries. It is more than just a drink; it is a social experience that brings people together. From the bustling streets of New York City to the quiet countryside of Ethiopia, coffee is enjoyed in different ways by different cultures. In this blog, we will take a journey around the world to explore the various coffee traditions and how they are an integral part of their respective cultures.

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Mindful Coffee Drinking for Improved Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mindful Coffee Drinking for Improved Mental Health and Wellbeing

For many people, the first thing they reach for in the morning is a cup of coffee. But did you know that incorporating mindfulness into this daily ritual can improve your mental health and overall wellbeing? Mindfulness has been shown to offer numerous benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving focus and concentration, enhancing creativity, and cultivating gratitude. In this blog, we'll explore how you can combine coffee and mindfulness to help you feel more present, focused, and calm. Mindfulness involves being fully present and engaged in the current moment, paying attention to your thoughts…

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Why Coffee Doesn't Work for Everyone: A Scientific Explanation

Why Coffee Doesn't Work for Everyone: A Scientific Explanation

Coffee is a widely consumed beverage that many people rely on to help them wake up and stay alert. However, not everyone experiences the desired effects of caffeine. In this blog, we'll explore the reasons why coffee may not work for everyone. Caffeine is a stimulant that works by increasing activity in the…

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New Year's Resolutions for Coffee Lovers

New Year's Resolutions for Coffee Lovers

Well, 2022 has come and gone. The year seemed to fly by with quite a few collective highs, and a couple of lows. However overall, it was a good one. But we’re not here to talk about 2022. We’re here to talk about 2023 and the new possibilities it brings with it – especially for us coffee lovers! As most people do this time of year, we’ve set some New Year’s Resolutions for ourselves – resolutions that are actually possible to keep – and we think will genuinely benefit our lives! So we thought we’d share some of these resolutions with our fellow coffee enthusiasts. Keep reading to see our top coffee themed resolutions of 2023!

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Unique Gift Ideas For Coffee Lovers

Unique Gift Ideas For Coffee Lovers

It’s officially the Holidays, which means glittering lights, good food, delicious drinks, and of course – gift giving. While some people seem to have a knack for getting people things they’ll love, for most of us, this can be a stressful undertaking. In fact, we’ve received requests from people asking us about gift ideas for coffee lovers. And while we touched on this in our most recent Café Session, we decided a more fleshed out response may be helpful for those of you struggling to figure out what to get the coffee enthusiast in your life. Below you will find our top gifts for coffee lovers, and you may be surprised to find none of the suggestions include another mug or bag of coffee!

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How To Keep Your Coffee Fresh

How To Keep Your Coffee Fresh

Waking up and brewing a fresh cup of coffee is truly one of the best, small pleasures, in this life! The delicious aroma while it brews, the warm and delectable taste as you hold your cup between your hands, and of course, that jolt of caffeine, all make coffee an important and beloved part of any morning ritual! But what would happen if you woke up to preform said ritual, to find your coffee was less than fresh – in fact, it might even have gone bad? We can’t think of a more devastating way to start the day! So, to prevent this terrifying possibility, we have decided to answer the age-old question of – how do you keep your coffee fresh?

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The History of the Americano

The History of the Americano

The Americano, (or Caffé Americano as it is called in Latin speaking countries), is a variation of coffee using espresso rather than regular brewed coffee. It consists of espresso, topped with hot water (usually enough to fill the rest of the cup). As we discussed in our latest Café Session, coffee in Europe begins with a strong espresso shot or two, to which sugar or milk is then added to satisfy your desired taste. Here in America however, coffee is brewed in large batches (usually using a filtration method like drip coffee, a French Press, etc.) to create a more extended beverage experience as opposed to the small, sipper, cup of an espresso drink. Legend has it…

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Everyday Sustainable Coffee Habits

Everyday Sustainable Coffee Habits

Sustainability is a common word in the coffee community, and for good reason! All industries should be committed to using sustainable practices for the sake of preserving this beautiful blue/green earth we all share. In the coffee world specifically, the most notable sustainable practice is using sustainably sourced beans. A hot phrase, used to describe the beans grown and sold that are classified as organic and participate in fair trade practices - allowing for the individual farm to produce and sell their beans to various roasters.

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What To Do With Your Used Coffee Grounds

What To Do With Your Used Coffee Grounds

We all know the essential function of coffee is to be the motivation to get you out of – and keep you out of – bed in the morning. However, what you might not know is, after your favorite caffeinated beverage is brewed, the grounds can continue to be useful to you in many other areas of everyday life. As if coffee wasn’t already great enough!

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How Do Coffee Beans Become Decaffeinated?

How Do Coffee Beans Become Decaffeinated?

Coffee is always great, but sometimes you want a cup of joe and not the caffeine that comes with it. Maybe it’s late in the day and the caffeine will keep you up all night. Maybe you’ve already had several cups and don’t want to get those caffeine jitters. Or maybe you are just trying to cut down on your caffeine intake in general. Regardless of your reasons, sometimes, when that craving for hot bean juice hits, it’s nice to have the option for a cup of decaf! But how exactly does coffee become decaffeinated? We are here to explain!

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Green Tea: The Benefits and The Brewing Process

Green Tea: The Benefits and The Brewing Process

In this blog we are switching gears from coffee and talking tea: green tea to be exact! By now we know green tea is awesome for you, and we should all probably be drinking more of it on a regular basis. But what exactly makes it awesome? What precisely are the health benefits we keep hearing it has? We’re going to break it down for you!

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15 Facts That Make Coffee Cooler!

15 Facts That Make Coffee Cooler!

Welcome to the wonderful world of coffee! Coffee might be the most interesting beverage on the planet - it is planted, harvested, picked, sorted, dried, roasted, ground, and finally brewed before it is ready to drink. Aside from being versatile and allowing for customization to guzzle down your caffeinated drink from your local coffee shop, there are many other aspects to coffee besides its "wake me up” affect that are also beneficial to your body and mind.

Here are some fun facts about coffee that you may not have known (and that we think – makes coffee even cooler!):

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