Do you know what I’m excited about? It's not because it seems like we are finally through that vicious cycle of 70 degree weather but then also snow every 6 days. Sure, this past weekend was beautiful! But do you know how many times I've taken out my golf clubs to play a round in the last few weeks just to have it snow the next day?? Too many. I’m stoked because The Sherriff has decided to come to town...Russell Wilson is officially a Bronco!!! And I can't wait for this upcoming season to see what comes of the gauntlet built in the AFC West.

Okay, now to your questions: How Much Coffee Is Safe To Drink In A Day?

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15 Facts That Make Coffee Cooler!

15 Facts That Make Coffee Cooler!

Welcome to the wonderful world of coffee! Coffee might be the most interesting beverage on the planet - it is planted, harvested, picked, sorted, dried, roasted, ground, and finally brewed before it is ready to drink. Aside from being versatile and allowing for customization to guzzle down your caffeinated drink from your local coffee shop, there are many other aspects to coffee besides its "wake me up” affect that are also beneficial to your body and mind.

Here are some fun facts about coffee that you may not have known (and that we think – makes coffee even cooler!):

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