Thanksgiving is here (literally, it’s tomorrow)! And with the holiday comes lots of food, fun, and … delicious alcoholic beverages! It also means the official start of the “Holiday Shopping Season”, and people buckling down to get ready for the ultimate day of gift giving and merriment that will occur in a months’ time. So of course, I wasn’t surprised when your question this month revolved around both gift giving and food. Despite my lack of astonishment, I am, as always, more than happy to share my thoughts and expertise on anything you may wish to ask me. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

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How To Keep Your Coffee Fresh

How To Keep Your Coffee Fresh

Waking up and brewing a fresh cup of coffee is truly one of the best, small pleasures, in this life! The delicious aroma while it brews, the warm and delectable taste as you hold your cup between your hands, and of course, that jolt of caffeine, all make coffee an important and beloved part of any morning ritual! But what would happen if you woke up to preform said ritual, to find your coffee was less than fresh – in fact, it might even have gone bad? We can’t think of a more devastating way to start the day! So, to prevent this terrifying possibility, we have decided to answer the age-old question of – how do you keep your coffee fresh?

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