Welcome to another cafe session! First and foremost, I want to wish you all a Happy Halloween! I hope you’ve all been out there celebrating, having a good time, and toasting with tequila shots to all things scary! And if you’re going out tonight, a reminder to be careful - just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do… Okay, now that I’ve gotten the obligatory Halloween salutation out of the way - I can’t post a cafe session on Halloween day and not mention it at all – but now we can move on to the more important stuff. No, that’s not a segue into football either - the Broncos suck this year and I have nothing more to say about them than that. I’m talking about coffee - and a bit about alcohol too, you all know me at this point - and the questions that come along with it.

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The History of the Americano

The History of the Americano

The Americano, (or Caffé Americano as it is called in Latin speaking countries), is a variation of coffee using espresso rather than regular brewed coffee. It consists of espresso, topped with hot water (usually enough to fill the rest of the cup). As we discussed in our latest Café Session, coffee in Europe begins with a strong espresso shot or two, to which sugar or milk is then added to satisfy your desired taste. Here in America however, coffee is brewed in large batches (usually using a filtration method like drip coffee, a French Press, etc.) to create a more extended beverage experience as opposed to the small, sipper, cup of an espresso drink. Legend has it…

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