Christmas has now officially come and gone, and we are in that odd week that occurs at the end of every year, where we wait for the new year to arrive, avoid work if we can, (can anything really be accomplished in the last week of the year anyway?), and spend time relaxing and recuperating from the festivities of the past few days. That said, even though Rise Café itself is temporarily closed through January 2nd (time off is important everyone!), I couldn’t leave you all hanging – I know you all wait with bated breath for these Café Sessions… So, I decided I’d go ahead and answer some questions, with the idea of getting back to basics, as we finish up this year and enter the new one, (still having a hard time believing we are heading into 2023). Without further ado, let's dive in!

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Unique Gift Ideas For Coffee Lovers

Unique Gift Ideas For Coffee Lovers

It’s officially the Holidays, which means glittering lights, good food, delicious drinks, and of course – gift giving. While some people seem to have a knack for getting people things they’ll love, for most of us, this can be a stressful undertaking. In fact, we’ve received requests from people asking us about gift ideas for coffee lovers. And while we touched on this in our most recent Café Session, we decided a more fleshed out response may be helpful for those of you struggling to figure out what to get the coffee enthusiast in your life. Below you will find our top gifts for coffee lovers, and you may be surprised to find none of the suggestions include another mug or bag of coffee!

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