Here we are at the end of July, smack-dab in the middle of summer. It’s hot outside, gas prices are sky high, and the Rockies…? Well let’s just say they could be doing better. That said, there are a lot of good things happening too! These daily rainstorms we’ve been getting lately for instance, are awesome! Not only does Colorado need the water, but they’ve also made it so our summer nights have been cooler, making hanging out on patios after work and on weekends much more enjoyable! Also, while the Rockies leave something to be desired this season, going to the games has been a blast, AND the Bronco’s first pre-season game is right around the corner (August 13th), so that’s something to look forward to! Most importantly though, we’ve got some delicious new breakfast options at Rise, which leads perfectly into our first question of this session!


While those Onefold breakfast burritos always hit the spot, switching things up from time to time is never a bad idea. You know what they say, "a burrito a day and you're going to pay." I have noticed some of you still trying to stick to your new year's resolutions (and kudos to you, that’s true commitment!) by ordering a breakfast smoothie to switch things up. They have become all the craze, and here at Rise we have concocted a nice, light, breakfast smoothie option by adding a banana and some protein to it, giving you all the nutrients you need to start your day. On the less healthy (but still delicious) side of things, I have also noticed many members & customers taking a more European approach to breakfast lately. It seems that many are opting to start the day off with a scone! I'm no stranger to sugar and bread in the morning, but there's something about scones specifically that make you feel like eating cake for breakfast is totally acceptable!


It has come to my attention that a lot of people are heading back into the office, and it's noticeable that they have been away from human interaction for quite some time. So I thought it would be a good idea to throw out a couple of reminders about some basic office/coworking “etiquette”.

Bathrooms should be used for one, maybe two things, no need to name them here, but one thing for sure is that they are not for you to take a phone call. Whether you are using the facilities or just trying to hide from your coworkers for a bit, nothing is more annoying than someone barging in with a loud conversation about something you could care less about. Or better yet, what if the conversation should be kept private and someone overhears something they shouldn't?! Best to keep the phone conversations private in your office or one of the phone booths around Enterprise.

While we're at it, Covid-19 is still out there, so practice clean hygiene and remember to always wash your hands after using the facilities.

Additionally, please make sure to book a conference room out (via the Enterprise Member Portal), before setting up shop in one. It may look empty, but unless you’ve booked it, it shows as available to others on the Member Portal. There is nothing worse than booking a meeting room, heading to it at your booked time, then finding others camped out in there. Nobody enjoys the awkward exchange that inevitably ensues. Best to avoid it altogether – stop squatting, start booking!

If you have a topic or question you’d like me to tackle next month, don’t hesitate to ask! Submit a question or problem in the comments below!